Hello El Vez Fans,
It's been a very long long time. It seems like it's been forever… and it has. Many tours and shows have passed on by and more are on their way. Thanks for being patient. Thanks for staying tuned in.
and it darn well almost got broken.
Oh, oh! that was two MeX-mas's ago! Am i behind or what?!?!? A very different show it was. EL VEZ & Rosie Flores playing guitars, Little Lety on stand up drums and a stand up bass! It was a Christmas gifted with trouble from day one. The Van breaking down 10 miles into our journey. Missing the 2nd date of the tour.
The new rental van getting broken into. etc. etc. We carried on "Cause nobody likes a quitter…" especially at Christmas time. We hope this year's Boston, San Diego and Melbourne Christmas shows go on with out a hitch.
It's only 3 shows…
what could happen?!?
Here are some scenes from that last Mex-mas tour…
Well, it's local in Los Angeles, and LA still feels like home to me. But now through the magic of the internets, any radio station can be local.
Pacifica Radio has always been around, even longer then I have! It was one of my favorite stations when I lived in Los Angeles. I am Proud to be on a Christmas Compilation with Jackson Browne, David Garza and Quetzal, and more.
Music makes a great MeX-mas gift.
Just back from a wonderful time with my pals Los Straight Jackets in Liverpool England for a Dia De Los Muertos Spectacular. Who knew it was the year of Mexico in England this year? I hope to be working again soon with those guys! Always fun. Met the wonderful Paul Foley from dublin. Got a chance to work again with the wonderful Casandro The Liberace of Mexican Wrestling again. We met years back at a great Lucha Vavoom event. Hung out with the great story teller Manuel the man who put Elvis in his gold suit. We had met earlier in the year in Nashville. It was a great party with plenty of Music, Mezcal, Mariachis and Me as the MC. Lotsa fun to sing a few songs with the masked marvels LSJs.
THE 33
Disaster strikes on Aug. 5, 2010, as a copper and gold mine collapses in Chile, trapping 33 men underground. With more than 2,000 feet of rock in their way, members of a rescue team work tirelessly for 69 days to save the seemingly doomed crew…
Sounds like they need some singing by EL VEZ to help get them out! And, thats what they did!
Warner Brothers presents, The 33, staring Antonio Banderas Lou Diamond Phillips and Juliette Binoche with some great assisting to Mr. Tronick in editing by Pablo Prietto. It seems one of the stars needed to have his vocal take re-done by a professional Mexican Elvis, although he was acting as a Chilean Elvis.
As in most of my major releases (The Hangover, etc.) my work comes early in the film so keep an ear out!
I had the very honor of being The Very Reverend EL VEZ for marriage services twice this year!
In Chicago, EL VEZ Biographer (whose book on EL VEZ should be coming out soon!) and dear friend,
Professor Karen Jean Martinson and her lovely groom David Croy. I can't believe i stayed up drinking till dawn with the groom on the eve of their wedding.
In Seattle, long time friend and partner in theatrical crimes Kaleb Hagan-Kerr and his Lovely wife Erin Spencer. It was an outside August Seattle wedding…so of course it rained. It was pretty darn wet and fun!!!
I send my love to you four.
Just in time for Christmas, Merry MeX-mas is back in stock! Along with Graciasland, Boxing With God, Son Of A Lad From Spain, How Great Thou Art and Maries' the Name 7 inch and Son Of A Lad From Spain 10inch vinyl. A hidden stash was found just in time for gift giving!
Get to the Merch Dept. and order away!
I will be back on the road running for EL PRESIDENTE of these United States of America. It's a horrible job but someone's got to do it.
I am throwing my sombrero into the ring once more because my nation need me more than ever and nobody likes a quitter.
My campaign will kick off this December in Boston as part of our Christmas show!
Meanwhile, EL VEZ 4 PREZ buttons are the best way to show people that you Care and are Politically aware. And they also make great MeX-mas gifts! So wear them with pride! Order yours and some for your friends from the merchandise dept. here on the website. Each button is a tax deductible campaign contribution, so contribute often.
I try not to judge people but they asked me to. This Summer I was asked by The Burlesque Hall of Fame to be a judge for their 26th annual Miss Exotic World Competition at the Orleans Casino in glaarous Las Vegas, Nevada. I literally had a front row center seat. As always, it was a blast. I even split my pants (really!) And I was glad to be part of the team to vote MISS TRIXIE LITTLE as Miss Exotic World 2016!
I have always been a fan of the late Liz Renay. Author, Artist, Dancer, Painter, Streaker, Lover to Elvis, Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr. (not at the same time) and star of John Waters Films. I first met her in Helensdale, California in 2005. Introduced to me by DJ and Times Square Historian Scott Ewalt, I was lucky enough to have late dinner / early breakfast with her at 3:30 am at a Denny's that first meet. So given the chance to tribute her I jumped and did the splits at the chance. Inspired by a years earlier tribute to Liz Renay done by Scott and the then Paula The Swedish House Wife, I performed as the last act of the closing night of the BHOF weekend. The number was choreographed by The Lovely Elvette and Burlesque Queen Tana Miller Ross and danced by friends and Fans. We even had a streaker! I LOVE YOU LIZ RENAY
Check out a rough mix, sneak peak of the tune - click here.
Hoping to be released as a single some day.
It was my sad pleasure to be part of Miss Katy Kays closing ceremony of the Legendary Ranch Dressing. RD was in 12 South Nashville beforethere was a 12 South Nashville. It was ahead of its time in honoring the lode times in Western Wear Fashion. Her own creations and fantastical vintage wear and cowboy boots. I have had a sign autograph up on their top shelf display for years. (because i am top shelf). The great band Don Coyote played. And the best burlesque of Nashville performed in the back room. Me and guitar playing Nashvillian Eddie Angel (of Los Straight Jackets fame) and great session bass player MAX, whipped up some tunes to honor Miss K. I got to sing my favorite Beverly D'Angelo number, I've Worn Everything.
I've worn
Rayon, Nylon, Chiffon,Polyester, Ban-lon, Dacron,
Spray on Mohair Sweater, bird feathers, fake leathers, real pleaters,
hide my neathers, Double Knit, Velvet, Fishnet, Aqua-net
I've worn everything, man. I've worn everything.
denim to diamonds that bling man, i dress like the king, man
especially when i sing man, I've worn everything.
Word has it the stores sign is going into the
Country Music Hall of Fame Museum.
We will miss the store Miss K.
Katy K Designs
On a side note, side projects are always fun, especially when its
THE LITTLE RICHARDS: Little Pat, Little Diana, Little Justin,
Little Brian, Little Robert, and Little Lety!
San Diego's newest favorite band…
All Little Richard, All Polka Dot, All two-toned Shoes, All Dancing, All Stars..
HERE TODAY from San Diego's Stars of Tomorrow!
LETY BEERS of the ROSALYNS, BRIAN RILEY of the NEW KINETICS & ROBERT LOPEZ of EL VEZ (ok…1 star of yesterday)
This 6 piece sextet are a non stop rock & roll party! Everybody sings!
Everybody dances! Everybody sweats!
Can you Dig It?!
I knew that U could…….
The LP and 45 are now available
(via special request from the El Vez Merchandise Dept.)
We just finished a tour of Spain and Italy to much applause!
Here's video proof!
But alas, its a side project so back to work. ;)
So, as many of you may know I have Punk Rock Roots that run deep in my influences and in my shows. Here is a chance to read a little bit about my early early past. Under the Big Black Sun (Da Capo Press) by John Doe of legendary Punk Rock band X, should be out in the Spring of 2016. John ask me and other longtime friends
from the old days to tell their stories.
Read mine there! Hoping this inspires me to write more!
The new number 2 EL VEZ restaurant is now open in Manhattan. It is twice the size if not more than the original Philldephia restuarant. Great new decor. The Burritio Bar looks like my garage workshop with its baby jars full of nails. The food is great! Not as many Gucamole choices as in Philly but the Mezcal selection is immense. It is just down the block from the 9-11 monument.
So, early New Years Revolution… I hope to keep the EL VEZ website updated regularly cause 2016 looks to be a busy year ( hawaii? the UK? USA tour?)
but we all know Revolutions are meant to be broken!
Besos y Brazos
TCB from me
xo |
Vez Press Praise -
"Elvis con
People Magazine
"El Vez
is more than an Elvis Impersonator...
he is an Elvis translator, a goodwill ambassador
for Latin culture."
Rolling Stone
Dallas News - San Francisco Chronicle
- London Evening Standard
"El Vez
is the world's most intelligent Elvis Impersonator"
Chicago Sun-Times
"... viciously
Buzz Magazine |