El Vez press page

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El Vez 4 Prez 2020

Larger rgb.jpg
2.6 MB

Smaller rgb.jpg
253 kb

254 kb
62 kb

rgb jpg
2.1 MB

El Vez photos
aprox 353 KB
photo by: Photolena
aprox 4.9 MB
photo by: James Cano
aprox 3.9 MB
photo by: James Cano

grayscale jpg
aprox .5 MB
photo by: Randall Michelson

rgb jpg
aprox .6 MB
photo by: Randall Michelson

Latest CD
G.I. Ay Ay

25 Years of El Vez
Silver Jubilee
cmyk jpg
aprox 1.3MB

El Vez Tunes
El Vez Videos
  Requires Flash 8 or above
Video will open in a new window

The El Vez Story
(to view or download an mp4 version
of this video please ckick here)

En El Barrio

El Vez 4 Prez 2008 concert excerpts

Big Zipped El Vez Press Packs
  These files, which contain multiple items, are compressed and zipped (.zip). You may need Stuffit Expander to open the files ... but you probably already have it or something like it.

General El Vez Press
Bio, Prezidential announcements, and lots of press clippings about El Vez
34.8 MB

Extra El Vez Press
A comprehensive historical press perspective pertaining to El Rey
42.1 MB

Images of El Vez
Contains images of El Vez
5.7 MB

El Vez CD Covers
An assortment of covers
covering the career of El Vez
7.6 MB

Press releases
  El Vez Bio
Graciasland Records logo
Graciasland grayscale jpg
aprox 16 KB